Tuesday 17 February 2015

Bull gores Morrissey

So, this is the second time in recent weeks and I've read a story that went like this:

'Blah blah blah, news.

'Blah blah blah, people were outraged that Morrissey said asinine thing number 1 billion blah blah blah.'
(And by "news" I mean it was a story sandwiched between 'Lady Gaga gets engaged' and 'East Enders star gives birth' about a guy getting gored by a bull and it had a picture of him literally riding a bull horn... not in a good way. It's pretty awesome.)

My question is 'Who is Morrissey and why do people pay attention to anything he says?'.
Morrissey holding Oscar Wilde book
Of course he's a wanker! Look at him!
Seriously, I'm not being facetious. I really have no idea about this guy, his music, his cultural significance or why people give two tosses about what he says. I've seen him pop up as 'controversial' many times saying wanky things about other celebrities and people who eat meat the years. But, I've never been compelled to listen to his music (I'm pretty sure he's a musician. It's what wikipedia tells me), and aside from being easy on the eyes he doesn't seem to have any notable qualities aside from being an a-hole and making controversial statements.

I'm 30 sumthin and thought, maybe he's one of this young hip-hoppy pop stars like One Erection or Union Wank, so I asked the next youngest person in my office, 19, and she said 'Yeah, I have no idea who that is'. So I went to the bastion of culture which is the iTunes store and typed in Morrissey.

Morrissey on iTunes
Nope - don't get it
First thing I realised was he is not the guy who sang Moon Dance.

Spice GirlsSecondly, what came up was a selection of 'greatest hits' tunes that I had never heard of. At this point I usually go 'Oh yeah! I know this song.' That did not happen - not even after listening to my free 90 seconds of each track.

But, anyway, this isn't a tirade on Morrissey's music. I'm simply curious as to how I missed knowing about the music of this person that people seem to site as a bastion of crazy a-holeness and music myth? It could be because I'm from Connecticut. Maybe I'm the wrong generation and we have plenty of pop-culture a-holes already. But, no one is getting the opinion of Mylie Cyrus or Lady Gaga on world affairs because they're idiots. Hey, maybe the Spice Girls should weigh in on Isis or whaling...

Then I scrolled down the rest of the Wikipedia page and found out Morrissey was in The Smiths (ah attention span). And this made me wonder EVEN MORE why the hell any one listens to anything he says? Clearly he's an idiot.

So, how did he get to the point where anyone takes anything he says seriously? The formula is simple:
(Alanis Morrissette - 'Alanis' - 'tte' + 'y') + great hair + (a little more psuedo-political nonsense x British accent) + repressed British lack of hugs + wealth = this guy
Morrissey is handsome but an asshole
He's an asshole - stop listening to him talk
Thanks, Obama care.

Basically, this man is paid to make music, not talk... or think... or be a decent human being. Stop listening to what he has to SAY. His views are not important. He has his opinions. You have yours. And, I'm pretty sure yours don't matter either, so why should his? If he were less handsome and gay he'd be Perez Hilton. Actually, that was too mean. No one is that bad.

I don't even disagree with some of the things he says. But, come on, he's makes a habit of saying inflammatory things. Stopped being shocked! He's an a-hole and likes it that way!

Seriously, if you see Morrissey, give him a hug and tell him it will be ok. And to Morrissey I say: We get it - you're a vegetarian! Kids today may have no idea who you but he doesn't have to try to impress us by being an a-hole. We have enough of those. Maybe just, open a puppy farm. And keep being handsome.

I think I have a crush on Morrissey.

And for your troubles, here is the picture about the guy and the bull making terrible frightening love to each other
Man gored by bull

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