Saturday 28 February 2015

Scotland v Italy score at rugby

So, here's me at my finest (a few years ago and a few stones lighter) ready for a rugby match at Murrayfield. Scotland may not be the best in the league (in fact I think we may have the most wooden spoons! Woohoo! We won something!) But the pride and atmosphere at Murrayfield during any match is well worth the visit.

Today, I was privaleged enough to be three rows off the pitch watching as Scotland battled Italy in the latest Six Nations match. But the biggest triumphs of rugby still happen off the pitch as the fans are the best in the world.

It was a harrowing match to say the least. As usual our boys in blue (well actually, Scotland's tops are red this season which I'm really against as the colours of the saltire are blue and white, but I digress) did well in the first half. Defence was holding back the competitionand. Italy's drives were putting the heat on our team and it was hard fought but we had our own finess and scored some tries. We topped of the first half at 16 - 15. Phew!

And then came the second half... There were mis-steps, forward passes, fumbles and all round school boy rugby from both sides and we managed to get a kick and hold Italy at 19 - 15 until the last 5 seconds (literally!).

Sadly, this is not uncommon. Scotland consistently deliver good rugby in one of the two halfs only. I personally feel that if they ran an incentive scheme like 'Every time you miss a pass or kick a ball and DON'T chase it you lose beer privaleges' the team would perform much better. Seriously, take away their beer and make them earn it back. But, the point is, I left 10 minutes before the end because they were probably going to blow it. Plus my partner had no keys to the flat and frankly I wanted to beat the crowd and not stick around for whatever trouncing was sure to follow as usual.

So, I headed to the Edinburgh tram stop right outside Murrayfield and bagged myself a seat.

'Oh, I hate leaving early,' one woman said. We commiserated as she had relatives stopping by even though they knew she had rugby on. Another woman had promised to deliver her son to her ex-husband at a certain time. Two chaps simply wanted to beat the queues in the pub. And there were also two random teenagers and some other guy with some other deadlines, and two Italians (fans of the opposing team) who were just too cold. We all sat talking and after having left Murrayfield, I logged into the tram's free wifi and pulled up BBC live on my phone.

And there 11 stranges watched the last 5 minutes of six nations rugby on a phone on a tram and laughed and commiserated together. When the Italians scored their last second try the Italians cheered. The Scots groaned and then congratulated their bretheren. 'In Scotland that means you buy the beer,' one guy said to one of the Italians.

We all laughed and departed one by one wishing each other a good evening and I left the tram feeling a sense of community and camaraderie I don't think you get in many other sports. We all bonded as strangers only connected by being rugby fans and slightly impatient travelers. We even wished the Italians safe travels and good luck for the rest of the tourney.

I'm not a big football supporter. I played it (soccer) back home and when I came to Scotland I started playing rugby because I am good at knocking things over. But the best part about the game to me is the spirit of it. People don't boo or harrass the other team (Actually, booing at rugby has crept in and I'm pleased that these people tend to get shooshed). We cheer good rugby and good sportsmanship and the best part of Scotland rugby is the fans. You can be just as great of friends with your rivals as you can with your own team. It's about loving the game and that's all.

So, grab yourself a beer and get yourself down to BT Murrayfield. Scotland may not have beat Italy in the latest Six Nations match. But it doesn't matter. We all won for having a good day out, it didn't rain (during the match) and it wasn't too cold. Say what you will about the dour Scots. But they know how to host a good time. Thanks Italy for being such good sports, and we'll get you next time! 
My ScotAmerican flag :)

Monday 23 February 2015

Joint Hypermobility - chronic pain champions

What is it like to have joint hypermobility syndrome (or ehlers danlos hypermobility syndrome) on a cold icy-rainy day??

Yeah, kind of like that.

What is joint hypermobility syndrome?
Harry Dozier - joint hypermobility symptoms
What it feels like
It's a hereditary condition where your joints are over flexible (double jointed). Lots of people have it. Only about 10% of people experience pain from it.

Have you ever had a rubber band that was over stretched and just won't go back to it's original shape? That's what your joints and ligaments are like with HMS.

There's still not a lot of understanding about what causes it. Something to do with lack of collagen, stuff, blah. But, ultimately, the soft tissues in your body (eg ligaments, skin) don't work so good so your bones can shift and bend in ways they're not supposed to. Great if you're a dancer. However, for some of us mooks, it's like having your body pulled apart constantly. It affects little things like turning your head or sitting up. You can still do all these things. It just hurts like hell because my muscles are working over time and cramping because they're doing the work of holding me together (which is what the ligaments are supposed to do).

What's the craic?
Well, it's a hidden 'disability'. People don't believe you because you look healthy.

For me the hardest part is the exhaustion. I feel really sleepy a lot because I have to concentrate a lot to hold my posture, and mostly, not flip out on people because I have a muscle spasm every time I move. You also twitch a lot in your sleep from muscle spasms so the quality of your sleep is quite poor.
Harry Dozier - Hypermobile super hero
Me - a hypermobile hero

Sitting up all day at a desk at times can feel like running a marathon because it is a test of endurance. Now, imagine running a marathon while writing a press release, talking to people nicely and (trying) to be helpful.

Chronic pain + not flipping out on people + living your life = Supernatural bad ass

What do I do?
On days like today I remind myself that I'm a beast at living - this world is my bitch. People with chronic pain are f-ing champions. If I get through the day without crying, screaming at someone or just plain giving up and falling over, then I'm a bloody superhero.

I will go home, cook myself some food (maybe wash dishes) and stretch, do some weights and relax. I'll lie down for sleep (which takes a helluva lot of effort when your back and neck are sore) do my breathing exercises and hopefully not wake up too often in the night when I roll over. And then tomorrow I'll go to the gym and exercise through the pain to strengthen my muscles because staying in shape, despite the desire to never move again, helps to keep this pain from conquering me.

I want to toast anyone who is living like a boss despite chronic pain. Even if it's just keeping your house clean you are kicking ass. Even if it's 'Hey, I didn't scream at anyone today,' you're doing great!

To my brethren with joint hypermobility  keep rocking and EDS. You are awesome.

Ehlers Danlos Hypermobility Syndrome (EDS): This and 'joint hymobility syndrome (HMS)' are very closely related and the diagnosis to differentiate between them can be up for grabs. HMS can be a symptom of EDH so get it checked out as the complications of EDS undiagnosed can be extreme.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Bull gores Morrissey

So, this is the second time in recent weeks and I've read a story that went like this:

'Blah blah blah, news.

'Blah blah blah, people were outraged that Morrissey said asinine thing number 1 billion blah blah blah.'
(And by "news" I mean it was a story sandwiched between 'Lady Gaga gets engaged' and 'East Enders star gives birth' about a guy getting gored by a bull and it had a picture of him literally riding a bull horn... not in a good way. It's pretty awesome.)

My question is 'Who is Morrissey and why do people pay attention to anything he says?'.
Morrissey holding Oscar Wilde book
Of course he's a wanker! Look at him!
Seriously, I'm not being facetious. I really have no idea about this guy, his music, his cultural significance or why people give two tosses about what he says. I've seen him pop up as 'controversial' many times saying wanky things about other celebrities and people who eat meat the years. But, I've never been compelled to listen to his music (I'm pretty sure he's a musician. It's what wikipedia tells me), and aside from being easy on the eyes he doesn't seem to have any notable qualities aside from being an a-hole and making controversial statements.

I'm 30 sumthin and thought, maybe he's one of this young hip-hoppy pop stars like One Erection or Union Wank, so I asked the next youngest person in my office, 19, and she said 'Yeah, I have no idea who that is'. So I went to the bastion of culture which is the iTunes store and typed in Morrissey.

Morrissey on iTunes
Nope - don't get it
First thing I realised was he is not the guy who sang Moon Dance.

Spice GirlsSecondly, what came up was a selection of 'greatest hits' tunes that I had never heard of. At this point I usually go 'Oh yeah! I know this song.' That did not happen - not even after listening to my free 90 seconds of each track.

But, anyway, this isn't a tirade on Morrissey's music. I'm simply curious as to how I missed knowing about the music of this person that people seem to site as a bastion of crazy a-holeness and music myth? It could be because I'm from Connecticut. Maybe I'm the wrong generation and we have plenty of pop-culture a-holes already. But, no one is getting the opinion of Mylie Cyrus or Lady Gaga on world affairs because they're idiots. Hey, maybe the Spice Girls should weigh in on Isis or whaling...

Then I scrolled down the rest of the Wikipedia page and found out Morrissey was in The Smiths (ah attention span). And this made me wonder EVEN MORE why the hell any one listens to anything he says? Clearly he's an idiot.

So, how did he get to the point where anyone takes anything he says seriously? The formula is simple:
(Alanis Morrissette - 'Alanis' - 'tte' + 'y') + great hair + (a little more psuedo-political nonsense x British accent) + repressed British lack of hugs + wealth = this guy
Morrissey is handsome but an asshole
He's an asshole - stop listening to him talk
Thanks, Obama care.

Basically, this man is paid to make music, not talk... or think... or be a decent human being. Stop listening to what he has to SAY. His views are not important. He has his opinions. You have yours. And, I'm pretty sure yours don't matter either, so why should his? If he were less handsome and gay he'd be Perez Hilton. Actually, that was too mean. No one is that bad.

I don't even disagree with some of the things he says. But, come on, he's makes a habit of saying inflammatory things. Stopped being shocked! He's an a-hole and likes it that way!

Seriously, if you see Morrissey, give him a hug and tell him it will be ok. And to Morrissey I say: We get it - you're a vegetarian! Kids today may have no idea who you but he doesn't have to try to impress us by being an a-hole. We have enough of those. Maybe just, open a puppy farm. And keep being handsome.

I think I have a crush on Morrissey.

And for your troubles, here is the picture about the guy and the bull making terrible frightening love to each other
Man gored by bull