Tuesday 20 January 2015

Fry and Sonny - the equation of marriage

Stephen Fry, comedian, actor and my favourite dandy, announced his marriage to husband Elliott Spencer and Twitter was all a flutter with congratulations (me among them) to the pair. And, as well they should. Mr Fry looks incredibly happy and Elliott looks... stunned.

Now, I have to admit I "heart" Stephen Fry. I like a man with a big brain and honestly, given a shot I'd probably go there because it's Stephen-frickin-Fry!! Who wouldn't take the chance to spend more time in the company of this big brainy boffin.  But, I'll admit, when I saw the age difference between them I was shocked!

Now, age ain't nothing but a number. Old dudes get with young girls and dudes all the time. But, like any of those situations, my eyebrow nearly jumped off my face with skepticism. Mr Fry is very open about his struggles with bipolar disorder. I watched in awe during his specials on his love of gadgets and the ferver with which he procures and then forgets about them. I'm not saying Elliott is a gadget. But, I do wonder how much in common a 57 and 27 year old have and how long that will last. Also they've only been dating a year.

Is it just me or is this the cat who got the slightly dazed and ambivalent cream?

As many respectable gays do, when I was 27 I had a thing for daddies. But I also had SERIOUS issues that needed to be worked through. Elliott is a 27 year old comedian who has his career and a wealth of experiences before him. No doubt being married to Mr Fry will come with it's share of perks but also challenges that he may or may not be equipped to deal with. 

I've seen the age difference work for many people. But the, so far, successful ones took years and years of getting to know each other and dating before they even broached the subject of cohabitation, let alone marriage.

Maybe life moves faster as a celebrity. But let's boil it down equation style:
Age difference / length of time known x (bipolar fickleness + adolescent fickleness) = marriage?

I just want to reiterate that I adore Stephen Fry. I consider him an icon, a hero and someone who, sweet lord, I want to be like. I genuinely hope it goes well and that it is something deeper and more meaningful than it looks. I can't comprehend it but it clearly is working for them. Mr Fry is a champion for gay rights and mental health awareness and he deserves all the happiness in the world (and hopefully he wants to be my friend because he's Stephen-frickin-Fry!After all it's not my place to cast aspersions or comment on his love life and choices. But, you know... internet.

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